Liz Wirtanen

Liz Wirtanen

Grade 8 Science and Technology Teacher, Saint-Jerome, QUÉBEC

I teach Science and Technology to 6 groups of regular grade 8 students, ages 13 and 14.

I teach Science and Technology to 6 groups of regular grade 8 students, ages 13 and 14.

Project – In this learning situation students are invited to create an innovative energy efficient home concept powered by renewable energy sources (wind, water, geothermia and sun). Each team of four students must produce within a timeframe of 3 weeks a house prototype at a scale of 1:25, integrating 3 different energy producing modules. This activity reflects the fundamental values and priorities of the Quebec high school science program, including: providing students with hands on experience, developing problem-solving abilities in a competency based learning environment, promoting awareness of global issues such as the energy crisis and climate change, providing students with significant learning opportunities, and covering fundamental concepts in science and technology. This situation is unique and innovative in its ability to demonstrate that electricity can easily be produced with basic materials such as a magnet, electrical wire, chloroplast and wind, or water.