Canada’s Science Teachers’ Festival is a collaboration of science and technology educators dedicated to the development and invigoration of science and technology learning across the country. It is based on three pillars of support, including:

  1. The Science Fair: Showcasing engaging and winning teaching practices 

You will be able to share your most successful and innovative ideas with your colleagues from across the country and Europe. 

Through the use of stands, you and every participant have the opportunity to display your accomplishments in a science fair setting. Time is scheduled to enable everyone to visit one an-other. A few selected educators with outstanding projects present their achievement in an onstage format lasting 30 minutes.

Mylène Poudrier, Science on Stage Canada 

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2012

Emmanuel Thibault fromTours en France at Science on stage Canada 2014, Québec, Canada 

2. Pedagogical Discussions: Sharing, Networking

As an educator you deal with many obstacles in your day-to-day activities. We bring together perspectives from fellow colleagues across the country, (teachers, informal educators, researchers and professors) to discuss and propose possible solutions to overcome these obstacles.

Johanne Patry and participants, Science on stage Canada 2014, Québec, Canada

3. Professional Development: Deepening our knowledge

Activities for all grade levels puts you in contact with cutting edge research techniques in education, science, and technology and create opportunities to ex-change knowledge and practices.