Huguette Thibeault

Huguette Thibeault

Cégep de St-Hyacinthe, College

As a college teacher for over 30 years, Huguette has established environmental partnerships with various scientific and research communities.

As a college teacher for over 30 years, Huguette has established environmental partnerships with various scientific and research communities. She shares her scientific and educational expertise with colleagues and several interveners, including l’Association pour l’enseignement de la science et de la technologie (APSQ), Association québécoise pour la promotion de l’éducation relative à l’environnement (AQPERE), Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC)) and Science on stage.

She is responsible for the Committee of teachers in the Sciences (MELS). She has broken new ground by implementing micro internships Laboratory Technologies specialized in Biotechnology and for pre-university Science students. She is a member of an editorial board of a Science and Technology educational journal (Spectre) and she is particularly interested in education reform and competency-based learning. Huguette also conducts research on college teaching and leads workshops on entrepreneurship, environment and innovation in science teaching, among others.

SoSC3, 2012
SonS Germany-Poland, 2013